Spaying or neutering your cats does more than only avoid an unintended litter of kittens. Both cats and dogs may have a higher life expectancy as a result of the procedures. Spaying aids in the prevention of uterine infections and breast tumors, which are malignant or cancerous in around 50% of dogs and 90% of cats. The greatest prevention against these illnesses is to spay your pet before her first heat.

What is Cat Spaying and Neutering?

Neutering refers to the surgical procedure that prevents cats from reproducing. The procedure is known as castration in males and spaying in females. Both testicles are removed during castration, removing the major source of the male hormone testosterone. The ovaries and the uterus are removed during spaying, preventing the female from becoming pregnant.

Cat Neutering Process and Can You Afford it?

During surgeries, cats, like people, are given anesthetics. While cats are spayed or neutered, they are fully unconscious and do not experience any discomfort. Post-surgery discomfort is eliminated with a long-acting pain treatment injection given just after the procedure.

After their treatment, your cat will most likely feel sleepy, but this should pass soon. Within a few days, the majority of cats are back to normal. Some cats suffer bladder infections more frequently after spaying or neutering, while others gain weight. The cost varies a lot based on the cat’s gender and the specific vet practice, so check with your local doctor. Several organizations provide low-cost neutering; contact your local one for more information.

When Should Kittens be Neutered or Spay?

The most common recommendation for kittens to be neutered or spayed is 5 months of age. There are a few reasons behind this. The development of hormones that lead males to spray, mark, and fight is slowed down by early spay/neuter surgery. Kittens also attain sexual maturity quickly, allowing them to breed at a young age – long before they reach the age of 6 months when many vets still choose to conduct this procedure.

Some doctors think that sterilizing kittens at a younger age may expose them to future health concerns such as feline urinary tract illness or bone and joint issues, or that male cats may be prone to urethral blockage.

It is to note that before you go to neuter or spay your pet, you should get your questions answered. For example, while neutering helps to reduce unwanted behaviors, it is not a guarantee that your cat’s behavior will change. Here are some questions you can ask your vet:

All in all, you should get your kitten spayed as soon as possible. Consult with your vet clinic to get your doubts answered. San Antonio Spay and Neuter Clinic are one of the best clinics to complete your kitten’s spay or neuter surgery. They have a dedicated and experienced team of vets for the best experience getting your kitten spayed.